The gang-plan assembly has now been re-fitted and is back in use in Spain, and we are in discussions about the next project.
We are pleased to share this example of a project we undertook to replace some hardware on a much-cherished gang-plank. Our customer had a gang-plank which had served them well (on several boats), but the end brackets to hook the gang-plank to the boat were looking rusty and a bit agricultural.
The customer expressed an interest in having a stainless steel replacement for the gang-plan brackets, making use of a tubular cross-member construction. Based on this requirement we designed the replacement parts and put forward the new design as shown below, ensuring that the geometry of the 'hook bars' would fit well to the corresponding mounting area on the stern of the boat.
During the development of the new gang plan brackets we made bending strength calculations to determine the required thickness of the hook / beams to ensure that they would be robust in use.
The design was well received and so we set about manufacturing the new parts and welded gang-plan assembly - all parts being made from 316 stainless steel, and polished for a long-lasting attractive appearance. Below is a comparison of the CAD model of the chosen design, next to the manufactured assembly.